Proceed with Necessary Precautions to Avert Fire Emergencies


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Burns: The damage inflicted on the body

Our largest sense organ is our skin that covers our entire body, the sense of touch exists due to this sensory organ only, and this sense helps us to avoid any damage to the body which is crucially required to stay alive.

Though the body avoids the harmful things with the help of skin sense but an accident which is the sudden happening cannot be avoided. To avoid the fire accidents one needs to set fire maintenance within the infrastructure with the help of good fire companies or fire fighting contractors, and if the occupants of a property fail to do so then at least he or she should the fire extinguishers installed.

Understand the structure of skin

There are the three layers of the skin epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Just after this there is layer of subcutaneous tissues then below that there are muscles and bones. The severity of the burn is judged on the basis of the damage incurred upon the epidermis, and then dermis can be affected and this can continue unto the bones that fall in the last, but bones and muscles are involved in the worst case scenario, to avoid this all go for the good Fire Companies or the Fire fighting contractors to serve the objective of perfect fire maintenance.

Degrees of Burns First degree

The top most layers of the skin is called epidermis and when only the top layer is affected by heat is called the first degree burn for example the sun burn is the first degree burn. In this the skin turns red and the pain can be experienced on touch, there a little swelling can be seen on the skin.
First Degree Burn Therapy
The burns can be treated by washing it with the cold water and cover it with the clean cloth, usually these types of burns are healed without any long treatment, but if first degree burn is in the larger area of skin then immediately the patient should be taken to the doctors. It said that prevention is better than cure, so at least keep fire extinguisher set installed at your home.

Second Degree

When only the epidermis and dermis are affected by the severe burns then it is said to be the second degree burn. Blisters are formed and it is extremely painful and swelling can be observed.
Therapy – If the skin affected area is more than two inches then it is recommended to see the doctor.

Third Degree

It is also known as the full thickness burns, and when the skin is exposed to the intense heat that from epidermis to deep hair follicles is damaged then it is called third degree burn. On the third degree burn the skin graft is required, and in this procedure the damaged part of the skin which is damaged or missing is repaired by transplantation of the healthy skin from the healthy part of the body. It is wise to take safety measures with the help of one of the fire companies to keep the house or work place fire resistant.

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